All parents want the best for their children. You definitely want to take care of it with all your soul. Unfortunately not all parents do it the right way. Not infrequently, some mistakes are made because they feel confused.
Being a parent is not an easy job, especially at first experience. That is why it is important to recognize mistakes that are often made by new parents, in order to avoid these mistakes.
Recognize Mistakes
The arrival of a baby is not like we buy items that have been accompanied by a guidebook. Here are some common mistakes new parents make, which you can use as a guide:Easily influenced by others
When Little is born, both in-laws or parents usually come to dominate the way you care for newborns. Or, various information from the internet that will affect your baby care techniques. Though you and Little One have a bond that has been created even before he was born. For that, you can start to believe your instincts as a mother rather than listening to advice from others who are not necessarily in accordance with what your baby needs.
Difficult to Get Used to the New Sleep Routine
For new parents, sleep will be a very valuable time. Chances are new parents can only sleep for a few hours each night. But every child has a different sleep pattern, so don't worry when hearing someone else's baby has a longer sleep. In fact, 50% of 2-year-olds still wake up in the middle of the night. So it's not just you who feels it, but also many other parents.
Confused Facing Baby's Cry
Some say to hold the baby directly, while others suggest keeping it quiet to see if the crying will subside by itself. Well, at this time you need to listen to instincts as a mother. Crying is the baby's way of communicating. Take advantage of the mother's instinct to feel what is needed by the Little One, and to relieve her tears.
Ignore Couples
Breastfeeding, cradling, and changing your baby's diapers is a routine that you have to do, and certainly quite draining. Even so, do not make this a reason to forget the attention on the husband. If necessary, take a special day to date together with your husband. You can entrust your child to your family or people you trust, to take care of him for several hours. Having a child does not mean the intimacy of a husband and wife must be reduced.
Too Dominate Caring for Babies
A mother generally feels more capable of taking care of a baby than a father. When it should, the mother also gives the opportunity for the father to care for the baby. Remember, you can be overwhelmed if you do it all yourself. Well, if the husband has tried to help, do not scold or criticize if you find a mismatch. Just give advice, like, "Daddy, don't play with him first, he'll eat later and worry about throwing up." That way, the husband's ‘fatherly attitude will be formed without having to say harshly to him.
Less Utilizing Nap Times
According to research, parents lose 400-750 hours in the first year of child age. For that, you should optimize your nap time to cover your sleep deprivation at night. Ignore other homework for a while. When Little Sleep, you should also go to sleep so that it will be refreshed when you wake up later.
Overreaction or Panic
Many new parents have an overreaction to a complaint, such as a baby vomiting or fever. Usually this happens in the first year. In order not to make this mistake, provide yourself with sufficient knowledge about baby's health, from a trusted source. Try to calm down, because panic can make you make decisions or take unwise actions.
Lack of Focus on Healing After Childbirth
Your baby has just been born, and his health is important to note. However, don't forget that you are also recovering after giving birth. Especially if you give birth by cesarean section. You need to eat foods with good nutrition, drink plenty of water, and get enough rest to speed up your recovery.
Troubling Too Little
"Is my baby stimulating enough?" "Looks like my baby is too active." New parents are generally very detailed on little things like this, even though there are many important things that still need to be thought about. Thinking too much about small things that are not important can make you feel stressed. It's best not to bother with such small things, and just let things go naturally.
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