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Reasons for Mother Feeling Hungry and Tired During Breastfeeding

The emergence of hunger and fatigue during breastfeeding actually does not need to make Mother worry. This is normal and is experienced by most breastfeeding mothers. When you breastfeed, especially if you exclusively breastfeed, you may experience complaints of fatigue and hunger. There are various reasons that can cause this. Curious? Come on, consider the following explanation! Causes of Fatigue and Hunger During Breastfeeding Here are a number of reasons that make breastfeeding mothers more easily tired and hungry: 1. Lack of calorie intake One reason is because of the increased calorie needs. When breastfeeding, you will produce around 450-1200 ml of breast milk, and for that, your body will burn about 300-800 calories per day. The number of calories burned is equivalent to cycling for 3-4 hours. So, it's natural for Mother to be more easily hungry and tired during breastfeeding? 2. Eat sweet foods Hunger and fatigue during breastfeeding can also be influenced by foo...
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Tips for Staying Safe Exercising in an Air Polluted Environment

Air pollution is indeed quite difficult to avoid, especially for those of you who live in urban areas or environments close to factories. However, this is not a reason not to exercise, you know. Sport does have many health benefits. But if exercise is carried out in an air polluted environment, exposure to dirty air can actually cause a series of negative effects for the body. Especially if you have a history of previous health problems, such as asthma, diabetes, or lung disease. So, what do you do? Is there a way to still be able to exercise in an air polluted environment? To answer this, consider the following review. Stay Safe Exercising in the Middle Dirty Air To stay safe exercising in an environment that has dirty air, there are a few tips you can apply, namely: 1. Determine the right time Early morning or at night is the right time to exercise. The reason is because at this time, the level of air pollution is not as high as the afternoon or evening. By exercising at the ...

This is a mistake that is often done by new parents

All parents want the best for their children. You definitely want to take care of it with all your soul. Unfortunately not all parents do it the right way. Not infrequently, some mistakes are made because they feel confused. Being a parent is not an easy job, especially at first experience. That is why it is important to recognize mistakes that are often made by new parents, in order to avoid these mistakes. Recognize Mistakes The arrival of a baby is not like we buy items that have been accompanied by a guidebook. Here are some common mistakes new parents make, which you can use as a guide: Easily influenced by others When Little is born, both in-laws or parents usually come to dominate the way you care for newborns. Or, various information from the internet that will affect your baby care techniques. Though you and Little One have a bond that has been created even before he was born. For that, you can start to believe your instincts as a mother rather than listening to ad...